We have all heard of the so-called Four-Peak Highway, where a car can only travel a certain number of miles per hour. There are speed limits to keep the traffic moving, but the concept is well established and has been enforced for years. In theory, you can only drive a certain amount of miles per hour, but how many of those miles are actually being traveled on an hourly basis by cars? What is that number? And what happens when you cross the speed limit?
There is a problem with the term “four peaks junk drive.” The actual phrase is “unobserved speeding,” and this is the problem. This term does not necessarily mean that there were any speed traps or other traffic interventions that could have limited the vehicle’s speed or caused it to slow down. It only means that there were four different instances in which the driver exceeded the posted speed limit, for an extended period of time. This is considered very unsafe driving because it contributes nothing good to the roads and drivers’ safety.
Another issue with the term “four peaks junk drive” is that the driver may simply be going too fast for the road. It is true that a car that goes 50 miles per hour (which is very fast indeed in most cases) is over the posted speed limit. But speed is not the only factor that contributes to dangerous driving. A vehicle can go too slowly, too. When this occurs, the driver is likely to violate another law, which is why there is such a thing as controlled substances and controlled substance abuse.
The term “four-peaks” could very well apply to an individual who exceeds the posted speed limit on a highway. There are many other reasons a person might exceed the speed limit, as well. A driver may be traveling too slow due to fatigue. Another reason a driver might run red lights or stop at a green light without considering whether they have sufficient time to do so, are four-peaks.
In the last instance, this phrase may very well be used to refer to the traffic violation of operating a stolen vehicle. The phrase from investigation within previous 12 months indicates that the person did not have insurance or had one but was not driving the vehicle. It does not indicate if the vehicle was recovered or not.
As you can see, “four-peak” really has nothing to do with traffic violations. If you are arrested for speeding or given a citation for careless driving, these are examples of four-peak violations. These citations are also considered “flier” offenses. This means that they carry more severe penalties. Even though the severity of the penalty is different for each type of violation, the maximum penalties charged are the same. The only difference is in the types of charges filed against the offender.
Generally speaking, the penalties from speeding include the maximum fine, plus additional points on their driving records. Some jurisdictions will require the motorist to undergo a special ignition interlock device (AIT), also known as an ICWPT. This is a special lock placed on the vehicle that will monitor the speed of the vehicle and prevent it from being able to accelerate during the commission of a reckless driving charge. If the driver speeds past the AIT, they will receive additional points. For more information regarding these additional charges, check your state statutes or consult your agent.
One state will only impose a maximum fine for the first offense of reckless driving. If the driver of the vehicle repeats the offense, additional charges of reckless driving will be filed. The maximum fine and additional points can reach upwards of $1500 or even more. Some states, like New York, will only impose a limited amount of fines for first time offenders. With some states, the driver is required to attend a specific course and may also have to perform community service. A representative from your local enforcement agency can help you understand the specifics.